Sunday, December 31, 2006

Acceleration Continued

Well the acceleration continues. Like a giant rollercoaster, sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's not, sometimes it's encouraging and exillerating and sometimes the devil uses it to flood with fear and apprehension. The wonderful thing is that deliverence is from our Lord, who is faithful and just, loving and good and it is always worth it. I am learning so much more about believing His Word and not my soul. I am so happy His word is true - the greatest reality. This not believing my soul seems to require death to flesh - body, mind and emotions. I pray I receive all the faith He's giving and all the death required to believe - I WILL OVERCOME. I have seen a picture from God showing us on one of the fastest spiritual rides (acceleration amplified) we have ever been on as we enter 2007. Our hair is flying back, our skin is taught from the pressure, our clothes ripples with a loud flapping against our skin, sometimes we must close our eyes so they won't dry out. We seem to be out of control. We are, but God isn't. The acceleration is in the direction of life from the dead, healing in body, soul & spirit, freedom from debt, a year of jubilee, forgiveness from debt. Let us receive, let us run into the acceleration, not away from it. Let us give up and give in, knowing that the end of the acceleration will lead us to not recognizing who we are in comparision to who we were. PRAISE OUR GOD, HE IS GOOD. HOW I LOVE HIM.


Rachel said...

I heard someone talking this morning about an acceleration . . I'm not sure if it was you or not. The funny thing is that that is exactly how I have felt over the last week. I have felt like I'm at the top of the roller coaster looking down and it's about to go over the edge. It's exciting and scary all at the same time. So, let's ride the rollercoaster!!

Brenda M Becker said...

yeah, baby!!!

trish said...

I got the rush of it all! Whoooo!