Friday, February 23, 2007

Thoughts for the Season

Yes, yes, I know, I am so sporadic at blogging. I'm not sure of the reason. I can't decide if I want to blame it on my life or my personality. Oh well, I don't think it really matters. I shall just do what I do.

This is such an exciting season. I love it so much. I love the people that I'm experiencing it with. Most of all, I love my God for leading the way, cheering me on, dragging me though. However each moment should be defined.

God is teaching us about so many things. His emphasis with me is "servanthood", "seeking his face and not his hand", "being righteous and not being concerned about being right".

My life, Jim's and my life, is going though so many changes. My head and heart are spinning. I can't seem to sort it all out yet.

I love you all, my sweet blogging friends. I love knowing your hearts. You are precious in God's sight and mine.


Pamelotta said...

I saw a comment you left on Becky's blog and I thought, Oh wow. Brenda's back! So I thought I'd check out the old Let Impossibilities Bow at the Feet of Jesus blog. Yes, God is doing amazing things right now. It's a whirlwind isn't it? You are right where you are supposed to be and going right where you are supposed to go. I'm so glad we're all going the same direction!
Love you!

Francesca said...

I love you!

MONICA said...

Brenda, I appreciate you so much, you remind me of myself. I love what you said about the things God is teaching you, and I am excited with you about the changes you and Jim are experiencing together, I know you both love the Lord and seek righteousness as a priority and have much Joy to come. Love you so much!